Saturday, March 28, 2009

Life is Too Short

To avoid sharing this with all of you...

By the way...this song is AWESOME to run to. Especially if you think about this guy the whole time. Or Beyonce's legs. Either way.


  1. That is just....wrong. All wrong.

    Thanks for that image that will now NEVER LEAVE MY HEAD.

    You are right, though, that song is awesome for running.

  2. oh i saw this....

    my question is- what the heck is up with his crotchal region? there just something weird going on there.

    obviously he spent SO much time watching the video & then practicing the moves & when it's time to record, he leaves all this crap on the floor and doesn't even shave his back.

    for the record, i LOVE this song & wish i knew the dance & also wish i could rock a leotard like Beyonce.

  3. His package is a little too much for me. And his back hair.

  4. I think the funniest part might just be the sock you can see hanging out the side to make himself ahem, appear bigger, lol!
