Sunday, April 5, 2009

It's a Prayin' Kinda Week

Since Matt is engaged in the ministry (imagine me saying that with a nice sweet southern twang) we happen to run across about a million people that have need for prayer. Not to say that they are trivial, because they ARE NOT.

But, need a little more assistance from friends in the prayer arena and so I will bring it to the blog table.

Thus, this post.
Before I begin, I would like to thank you for praying for Patrice and her little boy Jonah. They were sent home from the hospital this week and have begun the long scary road there. You can follow along with them at her blog here.

Now onto new praying times:
Our good friends, Brad and Leigh are on YL staff in Statesville, NC and Leigh's mom had a blood clot that turned possibly into a stroke about ten days ago. They really don't know what is going on with her mom and it is a heartbreaking to listen to a friend go through missing her mom, while her mom is still here. You can follow their story and pray for them here.

Today, we got a phone call from our friend Greg whose wife Lucy was 25 weeks pregnant and they were at Windy Gap this weekend while Greg was doing program. Lucy and Greg used to be leaders here in Asheville and we have known them for about 8 years. Lucy is TOUGH as NAILS and is hilarious. I have loved who she is in the Lord and who she has been in my life and in my friends lives forever. She was one of the reasons why we named our Lucy-Lucy. I would love for my daughter to grow up and have the resiliency that Lucy Noble has.

Anyway, Lucy went into labor unexpectedly today and ended up delivering her baby boy 15 weeks early-in ASHEVILLe. Not in Greensboro where they are on YL staff. They are expected to be here in the hospital with their little boy for the next month. He was so early that they haven't even had a single shower yet for him.
Needless to say, they are in shock. And freaked. And have no idea what is next.
Please pray for them. And for us to figure out to provide and love for these friends that we love dearly that have been dropped in our laps to love more dearly than we planned for the next month.

It is really neat that they get to be here though, where such a community that has loved them through college gets to love them through this time again. I hope that we are up for the challenge.

1 comment:

  1. Will be praying! Let me know if there is anything I can do for your friends that are here in the NICU. The girls are a good example of perfect little preemies. It is a tough road, but God will surely see them through!
