Saturday, April 25, 2009

Sew A Needle Pulling Thread

My mom just sent me this YouTube video which is awesome because 1) The Sound of Music happens to be my favorite musical of all time
2) Matt's entire family knows every line of The Sound of Music as well.
3) Need proof? On a trip to Europe-Matt's parents drove for 2 days to go visit Salzburg and see the the pagoda where Leisel and Rolf dance "I Am 16 going on 17". Seriously.
4) Next week TC Roberson (Where I am a YL Leader) is showing The Sound of Music and I can not be more excited.
5) I started watching this and got chills. That's proof of a good YouTube video people.


  1. i saw this on easter with my grandma & she absolutely loved it. i got chills too.

    let's do this, Les. let's choreograph a group dance to some awesome song (can't think of one right this second) and spontaneously break out in song & dance in the middle of pritchard park on a friday night during the drum circle. BEST IDEA EVER.

  2. Holy cow! That is amazing. I would give anything to have seen that in person. It actually restores my faith in humanity to know that someone came up with & was able to execute something that awesome for others to enjoy!

  3. I made everyone watch this last night. TSoM is the greatest movie ever made. I've seen it 84 times and counting.

  4. robin this is a fantastic idea !! i would also be in on this one.

    p.s i pretty much watched Sound of Music every day when i was little and it is also my favorite musicial. too bad there weren't two more kids in my family...

  5. Watching this got me addicted to watching other staged groups on youtube. Did you see the no pants subway riders in NYC? I laughed so hard! Can you imagine?

  6. I am bawling Leslie. One of my college roommates' died unexpectedly a year ago and TSoM was her very favorite movie. How I wish she was here to see this! I know her sis and mom are going to LOVE it. Thanks so much for posting.

  7. omgosh! AND I just realized it's from Antwerp where I was born! Too nuts.

  8. Thanks for the shout out!
    The RiRi
