Monday, May 18, 2009

More 15k pics

The Biltmore House so kindly supplied photographers along the race course and so we got these shots of the race as well...

This guy was in front of us at the beginning of the race and this picture made me laugh.

Just take a look at the intensity...

Behind Amy Noll. She is 19. I am 31 and the mother of two kids. Just reminding everyone.


  1. P.S. I am 90% positive that is one of the dads from my school. HILARIOUS!

  2. Ho funny I think it is that you wore you dad's Ft. Belvoir shirt to race in!
    The RiRi

  3. I didn't wear dad's shirt! We ran that race together when I was in college!

    Thanks tho for thinking that I would still wear dad's clothes.


  4. Les, don't lie. you're totally wearing Donald's shirt.

    btw- you look amazing. seriously. still jealous of you. always have been. always will be.

  5. that dude behind is real pissed that you beat him

  6. yeah...Is he flickn' you off? Sure looks like it!
