Monday, June 15, 2009

Gone and Done It

I left camp yesterday and to buy a Flip Video Camera.
Have you seen these things? Amazing. AMAZING.

If you have kids and a nice camera that doesn't video, this is a must have. Also, it comes with a million accessories like underwater case, a helmet case, a bike mount. The list goes on and on. Get ready for a video bonanza.

So I have already been videoing up a storm. Starting last night at club and this morning with this.

You're welcome.

Anybody else's husband know how to do the Single Ladies dance AND move like that? I didn't think so.


  1. I cannot wait to show Pat what his brother-in-law can do! Hilarious!

  2. A-MAZING! I have laughed so hard this morning at work. That is incredible!

  3. My most favorite Young Life memories involve Matt Sloan and the stage at Windy Gap. So glad I stumbled across your blog and that you add video!

  4. I LOVE laughing this hard right before i go to bed!!! thank you!!!
