Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Making Progress

Kitchen progress is being made!
Every night I go to bed with a mental checklist of how many days I am thinking realistically it might be until I have a refrigerator in its place making ice. And a stove with its oven operational and cups in a cupboard. And SINK! A glorious sink! Oh the thought of having a kitchen sink. It is too much.

The hopeful person in me is thinking all of these things COULD happen by next weekend. That we could have appliances delivered to our house by Tuesday of next week and we spend the rest of the week hooking everything up and finishing.

Realist? I don't know. Every day holds its own little hiccups.
Like last night we went to build cabinets and found out that we are STILL missing two from the great flood of 2009. So, I get to go back to IKEA on Friday instead of helping to install cabinets.

But if you want to see the progress that is being made, here are some pictures:
Before tile and just primer on the wall.

Look! Tile! and PAINT!

ooooh. Grout is going to go in here today. Can you believe my husband can do all this?

Also, you can follow my husbands thoughts on the whole dadgum thing on his blog, Yes, he has a blog. And he is using my pictures.


  1. Love, love, loooooove the color! Gorgeous. And I agree, being married to a Bob Villa type {but ours are way cuter} is the. best. thing. ever.

    Also, did you just complain about getting to go go Ikea?

  2. the color is ah.some.

    it's going to look great! woot. woot.

  3. And here is a shout out to the man wh actually liad the tile on a diagonal! A big "HOOAHH" and high fives! I am impressed!
    The RiRi
