Sunday, August 9, 2009

Final Kitchen Pics

The kitchen is quasi-finished!
We still have a few lights to hang, but all in all...we are done!
Can you believe it?

Check out that hood! Woohoo!
I still have to put some things on the shelves, but I have to find just the "right" items first.

Mmhmm. Still loving the sink.
Also, take a look at the tile while you are looking at this picture...that's good looking.

Just look at all that countertop! It's a beaut...

I just picked this little gem up. I love the way it looks on the wall.

Look! You too can spend money at IKEA and have organized drawers!
I love this more than I probably should.

The Lazy Susan for the pots and pans comes in a close second.
Maybe I love it the best.

Oooh wait. I love this DRAWER. It is so big and fun to open.
Maybe I love this one the best.

Just kidding. This drawer is a little more fun than everything else.
Look at all of the pot lids in here!!
Also...I can fit our waffle iron in here.
Seriously? It's a little more than I can handle.

I will not be sad to say good-bye to all the drywall dust, the little tiny screws everywhere, the five-thousand pounds of cardboard boxes, eating out every meal, the appliances on our porch.
It hasn't been too bad.
I would do it again in a heart beat.
In fact, we will gladly offer our IKEA expertise to anyone who is interested.

For a small Swedish Consulting Fee.


  1. It looks absolutely amazing! I can not wait to see it in person!!

  2. Oh my gosh, it is so beautiful!! I'm very jealous... our waffle iron currently resides on the kitchen FLOOR.

  3. totally jealous of the sink......covet,covet,covet. really impressed that you could see the whole picture to get exactly what you want. i'm not so good at that!

  4. IT'S GORGEOUS!!!!!!! I LOVE IT!!!!!!! I'm coming over right now.

  5. It really looks amazing. I'm so proud of you guys. And I seriously can't believe Matt did that!!!

    Also, I love the canisters...they have that "can you find all the bars in the cell phone commercial" look. Very fun

  6. It's beautiful! I am way impressed and love all the nice touches. The color of your walls, the countertops, the cute way your drawer knobs & pulls make a smiley face. It's all wonderful. Congratulations!

  7. That looks great! I know that it was definitely a group effort: planning, designing, picking out details, and of course demo and installation.

    I'll sum it up in one word: heroic.

    Well done, Leslie and Matt!

  8. I love it!
    Y'all did such a great job!

  9. This kitchen really is amazing! I am so impressed!
