Tuesday, August 18, 2009

I'm Cody Seedy

I know it has been a few days since my last post, I had a major work proposal to put together at the last minute over the weekend and felt like it was finals week in college. Pretty much pulled all my resources together for four-straight days of work. Hopefully it will be worth it.

Here is a little something for your viewing pleasure.
The other night my kids were on a roll with entertaining us and handily enough, I had the Flip Video camera right there. I just edited it all.
It's only four minutes or so, but wow--my kids packed it into those four minutes.

Have a good time with this one.


  1. Who the keck is Cody Seedy? That is hilarious.

  2. Talent in the Sloan house is off the charts! I so see two future YL program members! Will I be too old to be an adult guest when they go on assigned team?????????
    The RiRi

  3. LOL, Leslie!!! You're children are um, "special"!! :-P

  4. hello, little Matt!!!!!! hahahaha. your kids are hilarious! wish you lived closer.
