Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Come Home

My dear friend Ellie Holcomb was on women's weekend doing special music and performed this song "Magnolia" that I have to be honest...not one of my favorites.

Until...she told the story behind writing it. (Isn't that the way it is?)
She said that "Magnolia" is a name that she uses for herself in songs. And the song is written from the perspective of God and how he longs to be with her. And how she busy's herself with a million other things all day long and the price that she pays for missing out on that relationship.

This is a love song from God to Ellie/Magnolia/You/Me.
(clearly sound quality is not super awesome cause I ain't no freakin' professional. Don't blame Ellie. Listen to the words and fill in the gaps. Or better yet-go listen to it on itunes after this!)

My new favorite song.

I haven't really stopped listening to Drew Holcomb and the Neighbors all summer long.
We really really love them and their music.

Go download A Million Miles TODAY. You won't regret it.
Especially Magnolia, The Valley, Love Will Bring You Home and from a different album Fire and Dynamite.


  1. Do you have video from the other 2 songs she sang during the weekend?

  2. No, I'm sorry. This was the only one that I videotaped.
    But she sang the Valley on Sunday morning that is on itunes. The other song is not available since she has just written it. I wish I had, I really loved it!
