Saturday, September 26, 2009

I Made That

Last night I got a little crazy and decided to try my hand at making some bagels.
I found an easy recipe on the internet and went for it!
About two hours later, I had a dozen freshly made bagels! They are DELICIOUS! Way better than store bought, they give Panera a run for their money and are super cheap to make. It was very very fun to make them and felt great to smell bread baking in my house-it has been years since I have kneaded dough, and I loved it. Of course, I missed the high school football game because I underestimated the time required to take care of this project, but no big deal. I have bagels to show for it!

This is the recipe that I used: Making Bagels
The only deviation was that I added baking soda and honey to the water while boiling.


  1. That Amy Noll you love so much has done much kneading of dough. She might give you a run for your money on bagels.
