Saturday, October 10, 2009

Fun Friday


Since we went to the Apple Orchard last Friday and our plans for this Friday fell through, Natalie Knauer and I decided to take the kids hiking up on Craggy Mountain on Friday morning. It's not a terrible hike at all and the kids were up for the adventure, so off we went!

Everything went really well until I took maybe one too many pictures and Lucy decided she was done snapping pictures. Asher was having a hard time listening and Bennett likes to do whatever Asher does. So...things went rapidly downhill as we descended down.

We made it to the car with only one real meltdown, then child #2 had a meltdown in the car. Followed by the third child melting down shortly thereafter. Know what I call that? Hitting for the cycle. (It is October after all!)

But it was all worth it for the pictures. The dadgum pictures.
But for real, click here to look at all of the pictures in the collage above: Craggy Mountain Pictures

Tonight, Matt and I got a call from a friend who had to give up their amazing Redskins/Panthers tickets for tomorrow and wanted to know if we wanted them. Well yes we do! So we have a date at the Bank of America stadium at 1pm tomorrow!

Look for us on TV. Just kidding. A little.
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  1. Once again, well done with the pictures. They are great! Thanks for being such an "Asheville" mom with me!

  2. WOW! Those are some awesome pictures.
    sorry there were some meltdows. But the pictures were well worth it!
    The RiRi
