Thursday, October 8, 2009

My Adorable Boy


This picture was taken yesterday morning as Ash was heading out the door to school. He just looked too cute and too grown up to resist him. That hat is his t-ball team, kids-sized hat that is extended ALL THE WAY. We have to take him to Lids to buy an adult sized Red Sox hat just so he doesn't hate wearing them. Poor kid.

Also, that face? He tells me that is his "Tom Face." It is apparently the face that Tom from "Tom and Jerry" makes all the time. So, Asher does too. I can hardly get him to take a straight picture.
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  1. The Tom face is priceless. He looks good enough to eat.

  2. oh, you mean this is actually Asher. I seriously thought it was Tom. My bad.
    ADORABLE!!!! i freaking love both your kids :)

  3. That is hilarious, and hysterical!
