Saturday, November 21, 2009


Before I left to come to Texas, we had a shared birthday party with Knox Troyer at Chuck E. Cheeses. The ONLY good thing about a party at Chuck E. Cheeses? It's not AT your house.

So that's where it was.
And Lucy and Knox loved it. Except that Knox was a bit under the weather. But what are you going to do? Party anyway!
Lucy got on her "Princess Dress" with "Princess Slippers" and "Princess Necklace".

Asher put on his Pilgrim hat.

They had a blast. We got away with not giving lucy any tokens for awhile early on while she pretended to play all the games. Then she was introduced to the idea of actually putting money into the games.

At the end of the night is when we heard about Amy's brother and things moved pretty quickly after that.

The days have been long, full of sadness and love, hope and heartache. The family feels those that are surrounding them in presence and spirit-bearing this burden with them. But it is so raw and so real. When the crowds go away and the quiet comes, so does the grip of pain of their loss that is deep, unending and unexplainable.

Thank you for praying, for loving them and for loving me while I am here. I am only able to love because of the one who has loved me. I only have hope because of the hope that He has given me. I believe in the mercy that He bestows upon us and that mercy is all I can cling to right now. The darkness has not overcome the light. (1 John 1:5)

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