Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Hurry Home

Our close friends the Knauer's left today to go to Ethiopia to pick up their baby girl that they have spent the last year and a half adopting. The day is here!

Last week we had a shower for Natalie so that she could have at least a few things to welcome Baby Addie home.
She's glowing. Just like she spent the last nine months carrying her baby girl!

Natalie and her mother-in-law Linda

Believe me.
You want to get pregnant, adopt or engaged in this part of the country.
We throw parties with really really good food.

Need proof of the good food thing? Double chins abound.

Ahhh. Much better.

We spent a portion of the shower learning how to speak in Ahamric, the language in the portion of Ethiopia that Addie is coming from.

One of my favorite pictures.
Cause nothing says "Sister" like a red-head from Chapel Hill.

This was my word that Robin gave to me.
Just because she would get to hear me say the word "S-H-I-T T-A-H" outloud.
That's what friends are for.

Thank you Robin for putting the dots in the middle of the "toots"

Would you give this woman a baby?
Of course you would! YAY for Baby Addie coming home next week!


  1. That is so sweet and made start to get teary-eyed and then I laughed because of Robin's funny boobs-toots cards. She's such a riot. Following her on twitter is such a treat. Best wishes to to the Knauer family!

  2. Thanks for the awesome blog post. I love you and can't wait to bring Addie home to meet you!
