Monday, December 14, 2009


So I don't have enough time or energy to catch everyone up on everything.
So in vignette picture form, here you go:

My kids started playing a game they call "Beach Party." They take baggies of cheez-its (and only cheez-its) outside while wearing sunglasses and hats and stare off into the sun for extended periods of time. They talk about the yard, the weather and laugh at each other. Precious yes? Involves me? None. Perfect game.
Also, during this time I lost track of them for a little while. I didn't hear them and couldn't find them for a few minutes. They disappeared around the side of the house. When I found them, they were kneeling in front of a statue of Jesus calling him "Fairy Godmother" and telling him all of their "secrets."
I just went with it.

(L-R: Me, Jenny Ondo, Emily Crain, Morgan McIntrye, Mindy Sanders, Jessica Workman, Jessica Freas, Angela Austin)

In early November, the South Carolina Women's Soccer team went on run during the Southeastern Conference Soccer Tournament and landed a #2 seed in the NCAA tournament. They hosted the tournament at our field for three rounds and a bunch of us alumni came back for the games. It was probably the most fun that I have had in years at USC.

The women's soccer coach at USC, Shelly Smith (who is a class act) had Angela Austin address the team after the game letting them know how proud all of the alumni were of them and how we all followed these girls. Truly, they are our legacy and it was awesome to watch them. They ended up losing in LITERALLY a last second goal against Wake Forest in the Sweet 16 round. Ugh.
But it was so fun to tailgate and to cheer for our Gamecocks all together as alumni. I think it was the first time we all came together since we graduated-except for alumni games. It was great fun.

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