Sunday, December 20, 2009

Yes, Virginia...It Snowed the Crap Out of this Weekend

Everyone and their mom has a "Snow Spectacular of 2009" story. Mine is this:

Amy Noll left to go home on Thursday.
Matt was in a wedding this weekend, so he had arranged to have three college boys watch our kids all weekend so that we could have a weekend away together.
We saw the forecast on Wednesday night calling for snow-serious snow on Friday night.
Called off the babysitter.
Amy left town.
Ben was not going to be babysitting or staying here.
Matt left town to go be in the wedding.

Instead of a weekend away with my husband,
I had my kids all to myself.
Get this-
for the first time since October.
I know that seems outrageous.

To me too.
To be honest, it did not go so smoothly.
I just wanted them to entertain themselves all weekend.

It didn't exactly work out; what with losing power for several hours on Friday night, 10 inches of snow, no Ben or Amy around to play with them.
I had to get over myself and relearn how to play and enjoy time with them.
Hard to look at myself and be honest about it. But, that's the truth.
Since I work during part of the week and we have people living with us all the time, it's not often that I have to do that much playing.

We live a crazy full life with lots of people around and to some, it can be too much and not enough at all the same time. There are benefits and detriments to people living with you and people coming over everyday. You just never know what they are until it jumps up and surprises you at how dependent you've grown upon it.

I mean, I know it sounds like I'm some kind of snob-"Oh no! I was in charge of MY OWN children." Ugh. But, it's been a while. And they can be a handful. Especially since they are used to a constant stream of people to play and hang out with.

But the good news is it turned out to be great.
We had a really fun time-AFTER Friday night.
But first we had to come to an understanding if you know that I mean. (And I think that you do)

Getting snowed in was probably the best thing for our relationship to get kicked off on the right foot again (that sounds so weird) and now everything is pretty solid around the house. Take a look at what we experienced.

This was in the middle of the snow storm.
Our lawn chairs are not excited about this.
This is my Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe Shot.
You're welcome.
The morning after.

Our porch the morning after. Take a look at all that snow!
I posted this for the special few people who understand that one of our neighbors is a professional motorcross rider. He got up early on Saturday and chopped up our road with his dirt bike.
Our road that WAS perfect for sledding, was now made perfect for falling down and crying.
Adorable little snowman.
Who can resist this precious thing?
Not her brother.
Cause that is his bottom on her face, with her face being smooshed into the snow
But I'm innocent. SEEEEEEEEEE????
Whoops! I couldn't resist!
Who cares about the naughty list?
Guess who loves a good joke? And putting a snowball in someone's face?
Wait. Are you serious about that whole Naughty List thing?

Lucy didn't want me to get any pictures of her, so she was hiding the whole time I had the camera out. This was the best I could do.
Until I managed to snap this one.
Lucy walks the lonely road. The only one she's ever known.
Looks like I'm about to get a snowball right in the expensive camera.
Perhaps a lumberjack came home from the wedding just in time to rescue me?

She couldn't hurt a fly.
Except that is a giant hunk of ice.
Glad we have an "understanding" now.


  1. this is so freaking awesome! pretty amazing :) miss y'all!

  2. It may not have been what you thought you needed, but Someone else always knows what we really need! The pictures of my "Snow Angels" are beautiful and I know it was fun! Miss y'all!
    The RiRi
