Sunday, January 24, 2010

Sunday Morning Come On Down

My friend Heather had this video up on her Facebook wall and it made me laugh-so I thought I would repost it here.

This is sometimes what it looks like to run Bible study with high schoolers.
Their questions are only slightly more sophisticated than Ben's in the video, but no less rapid-fire. Oh and the polar bear question? I've definitely gone down that rabbit hole. And had girls crying over Jesus killing endangered animals. Definitely.

I have stepped away from most of my friends; high school and grown-up, in the last few weeks simply because I haven't had a lot to give away. I am doing my best to find time to be quiet and restore myself, but the discipline is difficult and I am still exhausted. The only good thing, is that I have found myself to be so totally emptied of myself that anything of substance that is "good" to come out of me is straight from God. He has to fill my tank because I am incapable of doing it myself.
Be with me when I am fearful
to make me faithful.
Be with me when I am faithful
to make me fruitful.
Be with me when I am fruitful
to make me humble.
For it is only by your grace
that I was chosen to serve you;
only by your strength
that I am even able to serve;
only by
your faithfulness
that I am still serving you today...

-Ken Gire
Moments with the Savior

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