Monday, January 18, 2010

Thoughts on Haiti

Now that the Haiti crisis is a few days old and NONE of the dust has settled but people (perhaps you) are trying to sort out what really can and can not be done for these people from our county, perhaps you would enjoy reading my friend Liz's blog.

Liz just finished an around the world mission trip and has spent an inordinate amount of time with an orphanage in Haiti. In fact, she was in the middle of raising funds for a return trip there at the end of February when the earthquake struck.

I know we all have "this organization is doing this" and "this is this" blah blah's that keep us from helping out. But here is the real deal.

People are really going to this country. And really loving these people.
These people that are going? They are the hands and feet of Christ. They are extending the mercy that we have not ourselves been called on to go and do, yet. It is our blessing to send them with prayers and gifts of financial freedom to go and do the work they have been called to do.

So go.
Go visit Liz's blog.
Pray for the Canaan Orphanage.
Give money.
Pray again.
Consider going.
Pray again.
Add Liz's blog to your Google Reader.
Find out what a Google Reader is.
Add lots of blogs to the Google reader.
Pray again.

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