Friday, March 12, 2010

Girls Gone Wild

I had a birthday last week. My sweet husband had about a million and half things going on (including his father having surgery for colon cancer) the next day but he made the time and effort to throw me a little family birthday party.

Look how cute! Streamers, table cloth, and a little "Happy Birthday" banner.
I did make my own cake, but that's just because I LOVE CAKE. And didn't want something from the grocery store.
Sometimes, you have to take these things into your own hands.
32 years! The time flies don't it?
It snowed the whole dad-gummed day and it derailed all plans my friends and I had for going out so we had to up the ante. What were we going to do to celebrate my birthday? (Not that I really care-it's just an excuse to escape our houses and do something ridiculous)

I decided on getting my nose pierced.
Like someone who just turned 18.
But I didn't. And I'm not 18.
And I convinced a few others to go along with me and perhaps get something tattooed or pierced as well. So yay! Girls Night Out=Girls Gone Wild! Woohoo!

When we pulled into the Tattoo Shop; Ace of Spades, and I have to say; it felt more like an episode of Desperate Housewives, Buncombe County.
A mini-van, a Volvo Station wagon playing Beastie Boys smelling like throw-up from earlier in the week and then Amy Noll and her college aged self with her cool college aged sister were there in their single cool college aged lifestyle on Spring Break.

Sarah and Ellen are solving the crisis in the Middle East.
Robin's Boob. You just can't help yourself.
Here is Amy Noll spilling money for spilling ink. Yes, she got herself a tat.
Won't her mom be excited I was with her on this monumental night?
Gross tattooing magazines. Here's a free tip: Don't GO to a tattoo shop for inspiration. Have what you want already in mind. I have my reasons below.

It turned out that the shop we were at didn't so much offer piercing anymore and we had to find another one that was still open.
Our only option?
Liquid Dragon.
Believe me. I feel like I could get hepatitis from just reading that name. But we soldiered on. After all, I had to get myself pierced.
Classic Desperate Housewives. Except Sarah. *in the middle*
So if you're single, she's single. Sure she's holding an inhaler. But consider it a beacon of hope. She's a fighter and has overcome the world that has tried to beat her down.
Want her number? Message me on Twitter...
This right here is why you come to a tattoo shop prepared. Otherwise you might leave with one of these "beauts" on your body for the rest of your life.
Please tell me why you would get "pimple, nuclear or plague" tattooed onto your body.
This whole section completely baffles me. Not one do I see that would even make a lick of sense to get tattooed on ones person. You could make a case for poems or pleased. But that is IT.
Liquid Dragon in all its glory.
We walked in, the man asked to see my ID-to make sure I was over 18. I kissed him on the mouth. (Just kidding). And then he took me in the back. Shoved a piece of cork up my nose so hard that my eyes watered and did the deed.
It really didn't hurt and I have had no problems since....

Except this morning I was at the high school and ran into one of my girls who USED to have a nose ring.
I asked what happened to it and she said,
"Oh. You didn't hear? I had to have surgery to remove it because I had MRSA."


Then, I went running. Got sweaty and forgot about the nose ring. Wiped my face and yep, ripped the ring through my nose. I very quickly reinserted it (without washing it or my hands off) and as soon as it was back in place; all I could think about the rest of the day has been:
So. I have a nose ring.
But hopefully no MRSA.
Cause that would be really terrible.


  1. You totally rock. Way to go and be a cool mom. Now you've gone and upped the ante for what crazy thing I will want to do big 4-0.

  2. P.S. Your cake looks totally de-licioius. What is it?

  3. that's my best angle.

    REALLY fun night. thanks for being born. you are a badass 32 yr old.

    & I totally wanna get the "plump" chinese symbol for funsies.

  4. I am perfectly fine being pimped out on your blog. I am honored.
    And your nose ring is way better than Beverly O'Shea ever could hope.
