Tuesday, March 2, 2010

I'm Not Getting Up Today

It's my birthday. It's snowing. Kids school is cancelled. Clients are calling.
I am not going to get up today.
It's my birthday. The wiener dog is snoring. The phone is ringing. My hair is greasy.
I am not going to get up today.
I am 32 years old. I still want to get my nose pierced. I just now like sushi.
I am not going to get up today.
I'm making my own birthday cake. There are piles of laundry to do. I just want to go for a run.
I am not going to get up today.
Dr. Seuss. Jon Bon Jovi. Gorbechov. Chris Martin and Daniel Craig all share the same birthday.
Since it's all men, I am not going to get up today.
It is Texas Independence Day.
I am not going to get up today.

I am going to stay in bed. Watch the rest of Arrested Development. Drink coffee. Watch the snow. Wait for daffodils and sunshine.
I think that is quite a plan.

I am not going to get up today.

Thanks Dr. Seuss


  1. You & yo' bad self best be chillin' like Bob Dylan today... you deserve it, Mama! Happy Day of Birfs :)

  2. You forgot Sam Houston, Mel Ott (baseball player), Eddie Money and Jessica Biel.

  3. The weiner dog's snoring alone was worth staying in bed. Glad you were able to make an escape at the end of the day! Happy Birthday!

    {And how the heck are you younger than me? I was totally banking on you being older. Sigh. ;)}

  4. hope you got something AWESOME at Target. i love you big.
