Monday, March 29, 2010

On A Half Shell

On Saturday night after the Cooper River Bridge Run (which was totally amazing! I highly recommend it to anyone!), we went to Folly Beach to eat at Bowen's Island...a seriously off the beaten path Oyster House.
Have you ever seen the episode of Seinfeld called the "Soup Nazi"? It's a lot like that. But totally worth it.
They just bring you a cafeteria tray of oysters and you go for it. Bam. But, there is an art to ordering it and if you get a little complicated with the staff...they let you know it.
But overall great setting. Great oysters. Freshly caught and steamed. It was really fun to crack open those puppies and go for it.

If you order the "All you can eat" option, they bring them to your table on a giant shovel and just throw the oysters onto the table. Amazing.
Sophomore at Montreat, Columbia, SC native & Gamecock Fan: Alicia Keel.
She kicked our butts across the Cooper River Bridge and throughout Charleston.
I was chasing her all morning long. I lost.
But she was a bandit in the race and so on paper: I win.
Amy Noll is contemplating NOT eating oysters.
I will get that freaking oyster. Whether it likes it or not.
The serving table.
Gross. But somehow sanitary?
I don't ask these questions. I just eat.
I am sure we will be back. It's just a matter of time.

1 comment:

  1. thanks for selling me out to world on my non-oyster eating habits. my shrimp was quite delicious actually. good times
