Friday, April 30, 2010

At the Lake, Everything Is Beautiful

It's really easy to take pictures at the lake. Really easy. Everybody wants to relax. Everybody wants to have fun. Just take out the camera and start clicking. Of course some people's children ham it up more than others.
Try to guess who is related to us. (Oh wait, ALL OF THEM.)

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It's too bad they don't like spending time with each other.

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Out of all our time at the lake, the worst moment of the weekend came when Lucy fell out of her tube while our eyes were elsewhere. Thankfully, Matt was aware enough to ask me to take a glance at her and I saw her up to her eyes in the water. It was about the scariest moment in my life. I jumped in (Baywatch style) and lifted her up. Another 20 seconds and I don't want to think what could have been.
With that on my mind, can you pray for our friends the Broadways?
Their daughter Natalie is one of our Wyldlife leaders. She is 17 and junior at North Buncombe High School. She is beautiful, funny and loves Jesus enough to be around middle school kids.
While at the middle school yesterday she began to throw up until she passed out. She had to be transported to the hospital via ambulance where they discovered a brain hemorrhage. She had a shunt put in to hold off the bleeding and take down the swelling. She was then transported to Duke Hospital in Durham. She is being seen by the Pediatric Brain surgeons today and should have surgery over the weekend.
Her just stepped off our committee this year after nearly 20 years of loving YL in this area. They helped to bring me to Asheville and found me an apartment. They fed my YL team at North Buncombe for over 8 years. They are mentors, lovers of the Lord and faithful to their children and each other. I am so sad for them right now. Their other daughters, Audrey and Carly are reeling at the thought of their little sister being in the ICU. Please pray for this family.
Just the thought of losing Lucy bottomed me out this past weekend.
I can't imagine truly being faced with the prospect like they are right now.
Romans 12:12 "Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer."


  1. leslie. such sad news about Natalie....keeping her in our prayers for certain.
    also your family photos are just sweet!

  2. Samuel thought Matt was so funny when he met him at Duke yesterday!!!! He kept imitating him all night!

  3. we are praying for natalie and the broadways. it is so crazy that something could hit that out of the blue. i cannot imagine what they are going through. on a lighter note, that pic of lucy's bathing suit bootie was the highlight of my day.
