Saturday, April 3, 2010

Happy Easter from the Sloan's!
We have had an incredible Spring season of knowing and feeling the Lord's presence.

We know that the stone has been rolled away and our soul's have been set free according to his great mercy.

Asher has been unable to escape the story of the cross and crucifixion and daily asks questions about it. We have been reading the Bible to him and Lucy and he just can't get enough. The other night, we were on the Good Friday story and he begged to hear the Good News.

All he could say at the end was "Thank You Jesus."
I couldn't ask for more.
I hope for that same response to be as natural within my own heart on a daily basis.

My friend Mike Sweeney lost his battle with cancer this week. I have been so sad and yet so glad for him to experience the sweetness of battle being over. His wife Cabell, has been left behind to grieve and has written the most incredible reflection in light of Easter and her husband's death this week. Please read it if you need to go a little deeper today: Caring Bridge
My heart needed to read what she wrote this morning. Maybe yours does too.

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