Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Defying Gravity

Ever since the show "Glee" did a 'Diva-Off' using the song "Defying Gravity" from the Broadway Show Wicked; I have been slightly obsessed. with the song.

Nothing too bad.
But off and on I start to listen to a lot of Broadway tunes and then Matt thinks that I have lost my mind.

But Lucy gets it. So then I know that I am not so crazy.
I'm just a girl. And we love musicals.
It's in us.
We can't help ourselves.

So I thought I would share with you the Defying Gravity performance from the Tony Awards. It is so very worthy of your time. I promise.
You're welcome.


  1. "But Lucy gets it."

    This is where I got goosebumps and teared up. I'm thinking it's time to break out the Flip and stage a show!

  2. Fact - Cassie and I sat in awe on the front row of a Broadway performance of Wicked 2 years ago.
    Fact 2 - Cassie and I met Kristin Chenoweth last December.
    Fact 3 - My brother and I are going to NYC this weekend, partly to bond, but mainly to see Ms, Chenoweth in Promises, Promises (but don't tell him that).
    Fact 4 - Obviously, loved this clip.

  3. Amazing. I love Chenoweth. Love her.

  4. LOVE. glee is rocking my world lately with both these ladies guest starring. the tour of wicked is coming to dallas and i am currently lobbying for tickets for my birthday. we'll see if that works out.
