Thursday, June 3, 2010

Review First Half of Week 1

It's pretty hard not to smile ALL the time when your kids are playing all day long, sleeping all night long and having the time of their lives. Matt and Ryan are the Angler's in Wranglers (Fisherman who wear very tight Wrangler jeans, cowboy hats and boots-yumola!) Plus there are about 6 other characters that have all laughing our heads off all day long. I don't really have to describe life here much except to say, it's as close to heaven as we get here on earth. Really.

I got my french braiding gene. Finally.

Asher atop the mechanical bull.
Cookies and dessert after every meal. Or before every meal. Or instead of every meal.
I could eat her with a spoon. Her dimples are killing people.
Really. There are piles of people in ditches all over camp.

There is a good chance Asher could look like Tom when he grows up.
Hallmark, you need some models for your next Mother's Day card?

Next up: Tableau pictures. Careful, your teeth will fall out from how sweet they are.

See I told you.
Don't worry. We are here for like 17 more days. Plenty more to come!


  1. Love, love, love. It's almost like being there. Almost.

  2. Oh, good gravy! Those pictures make me want to jump through my Mac and be there right.this.minute. Adorable, beautiful babies and blue skies...dashing men in Wranglers and fun music & people around you all the time. Awesome. You deserve it! Enjoy.
    Don't worry a bit about your sister in NJ suffering the humidity, heat & stress of school projects, car wrecks, etc. I'm just fine. sniff sniff.


  4. We arrive at Frontier one month from TODAY ... can we get MORE excited? Yes, thanks to your photos and words! The tableau photo with the kids looking out the window needs to be framed!
