Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Believe it or not, we have a five year old on our hands.

Since Asher turned five, he had a very definite idea about what he wanted to do for his birthday for the first time in his life-BOWLING! And according to AMF Lanes, it always means FUN!
See how much fun these colors communicate?
Asher decided he had to have a Shrek cake. Had to.
Best of luck finding that one.

Look at how big and five he looks?

Nothing like a boy contemplating his cake. Mmhmm.
Us with our big boy.
Yes, I would like a Happy Meal with apple juice, cheeseburger and a good toy?
She pressed the buttons at least 5,678 times. Sorry AMF workers!
Here are some action shots:
The birthday boy.
The socialite.
The amazingly fit and awesome bowling mom. Check out those calves.
AMF You can leave a DM for me on Twitter for my contact info to use this image in your next ad campaign.
This image is one of the reasons why every person should want to go bowling with our family.
We all cheered like she just won the tour.

This is the birthday boy in big time action. Check him out.
Waiting for the ball with his hat turned around backwards: ala "Over the Top"
Giant wind up with the 5 pound ball.
Straight into the bumpers like we taught him to do.
Wait for it. Wait for it. Seriously. Wait for it. It takes FOREVER.

Yes! I nailed it! That one pin.
I'm totally awesome.
And five.
Beast mode.

We had so much fun and were so loud, literally cheering each and every time anyone threw their ball down the lane that when we finished; AMF staff met us at the door as we left and handed us stacks of coupons to return. It was hilarious!

*also, if you go to you can register and your kids can bowl free!
We also went to and you can find all kinds of deals. It was a great, hilarious and fun birthday party for my boy!