Friday, July 2, 2010

Final Frontier Ranch pictures

Yes, I am finally catching up. I am going to try and not bore you... but these pictures were all too fun to not put up on here.
Does it really ever get old to see your husband dance with complete joy?
I think not.
I also think it brings other people joy to see pictures of him (versus video) because pictures DON'T tell the whole story.
They leave the room to allow pictures to be even more funny than they really ought to be. Perhaps.

Nothing like seeing your man "pop and lock it"

I can't tell you how much my kids miss being surrounded by their "camp buddies" and well, so do I.
Coming home is bittersweet.
We love home and our town.

But, there is a really deep drop-off when you unpack, eat a meal and look around realizing that it's 10pm and no one is bringing you a sundae and doing "Mule Train" for you. Or that there is not a group of 20 people to laugh with each and every night.
Community is so wonderful and it hurts to lose it every summer when we come home.
Even though we have a great one here.
Something really special is built on a Young Life assigned team and we are so grateful to have been on another one this past summer.

1 comment:

  1. Completely agree with your thoughts and miss y'all! Love the pictures!
