Thursday, August 19, 2010

How to Make A Road Trip Work

Take one handsome boy.
Take one beautiful girl.
Give them both headphones while they watch a video.
No seriously. Do it. It's magic.
Who cares about this face?
You will make a happy face while they are annoyed.
Do it.
Bring along a handsome man.
Who ignores the GPS.
And you end up here.
In front of this sign.
And a boat.
At the Elwell Ferry, in North Carolina's state service since 1905.
That carries two cars. Max.
Please note, 6 passengers are only allowed on this boat.
Not 6 vehicles. 6 passengers.
That's us four, the girl in the car ahead of us and the ferry boat driver.
Get a ferry boat driver.
Say "O Captain, My Captain!" to him, while he stares blankly at you.

Cross the Cape Fear River. With your lives in his capable hands.
Drive off the ferry and be back on your merry way thanks to Gummy Bears.

Thank goodness for happy GPS accidents.

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