Thursday, September 16, 2010

The Fountain of Life

We found it. The fountain of life resides in our fair city Asheville, NC.
It is called: Splashville.

You can't take your kids there all the time or it will lose the magic. But on a beautiful weekend, when friends are here and the Asheville Arts Council is throwing a fun event in downtown, it really shows off how amazing our city is.
Also, it wears the kids out beyond belief.
Anyone who tells you that this fountain and park wasn't worth every single penny is crazy.
This park is the showcase of our city and we passionately love it.

LOVE IT. Behold the beauty.

Lucy was working hard at giving herself a low-budget enema. Awesome.
These two will definitely be trouble at a later date.
So much sass in such little pants.

We are so not ready for summer to be over.

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