Tuesday, September 14, 2010

It Has Begun

The day that I have been waiting for since I saw that little plus sign on stick came yesterday.

Our first soccer practice.
We've had a few practices around our house to get ready for the big day.
But yesterday, was the big day.
Germany and Brazil.
Here we come.
The swell of pride can hardly be contained.
I did my best to just stay on the sidelines. No coaching emerged out of my lips. Simple encouragement to stop cutting the grass, sitting on the ball and watching the planes take off from the airport. That's ALL.
Check out my ballers.
It's gonna be domination station.
Watch out YMCA league.
You will never be the same.


  1. I think Cameron will pee his pants with excitement when this day comes for Samuel!

  2. I am pretty sure I could about pee in my pants just hearing Leslie's voice as I read her blog. YOU CRACK ME UP GIRL! Oh how I miss you!
