Monday, November 8, 2010

Crafty Monday

It snowed in Asheville on Saturday.
You read that right.


That means it woke my brain up to the reality that not only is it getting dark earlier, it is going to be COLD again. Which means we are all going to be spending lots of quality time together.

I have made a command decision that this year is going to be the year of crafts.
Our house is going to look like preschoolers threw up scissors, glue and construction paper on the walls.
I'm not afraid.
You should be.
A little.

I found this blog ( that has me well on my way and so here is our first craft of the season:
I think it will be really sweet to see what my kids say that they are thankful for and it will be a good craft to save from season to season. Also, I think that we ALREADY have every part of this craft on hand. Which is even better.
Not hosting holidays makes me less inclined to decorate for the particular holiday at hand, but my kids are much more fun if they are engaged in an activity for a hour or so. Which makes me more fun!
We'll see how this goes!


  1. les...another great link i i almost never hosted/hostess'd holiday gatherings, i often did not decorate...but now i do and it's awesome and inspiring! two um, sandy

  2. Remember what I said last week--game on. We'll have to compare notes.

  3. Thanks for linking to Dollar Store Crafts! I'm glad you liked my craft -- I definitely try to come up with projects that use stuff we already have in our craft stashes! :)
