Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Goodbye Three Years Old

Today is the last day my girl is three years old.

I don't have anything profound to say except this,
I have loved this year with my Lucy.
She is hilarious. Quick witted, sharp, full of life and love. She says the most hilarious things that make me laugh every single day.
If I could bottle three years old and store it in a closet, I would.
She is a princess, a tomboy, a chef, an artist and dancer.
She can be anything she wants to be and truthfully...I want all of these things for her.

She can be sassy, mean, spiteful, frustrating...but one look at those dimples and her asking you endearingly, "Mommy, do you LIKE me?" "Yes, Lucy. I love you!" "No Mommy. Do you LIKE ME?" "Yes, Lucy. You are one of my most favorite people in the whole world."
I love that she understands that I have to love her.
But that I get to like her.
And I do.
Goodbye three years old.
I'm not ready. But four years old is here anyway.


  1. I like her too and love her so much! How could you not? She is spectacular!

  2. I think four is the BEST!!! You'll love it.
