Monday, November 22, 2010

Menu Planning

Our family, just like every family in America is busy wrapping up work today and tomorrow so that they can be free to enjoy the holiday week and gorge themselves on food.
I believe that we can put stack our menu up against anyone else's menu in a Food Network "Showdown Throwdown" if necessary in order to maintain our standing as the family that makes the most delicious amount of food possible.

The emails have been flying for about two weeks now and this is where we have landing most recently:

turkey & dressing & gravy - Linda

fried turkey - steve

ham - Buffy

appetizer - Leslie

brie/pecan/kahlua appetizer - Jeannie

oyster souflee - Linda

macaroni - Judy

sweet potatoes - Judy

green veggie - Judy

sour cream muffins - Judy

squash casserole - suzy

pea salad - suzy

side dish/casserole - Leslie

'healthy' sweet potatoes - Mary Lane

'healthy' collards - Mary Lane

cherry cream cheese pie - Buffy

nana's yellow cake/choc icing - Jeannie

nana pound cake - Leslie

pecan pie tarts - Judy

s'mores by the firepit - s & s

My most favorite lines have been highlighted in bold for you all to take delight in as well. My sister-in-law Mary Lane has a reputation for being "healthier" than the rest of us. Thus, her food has been labeled as "healthy" as opposed to artery clogging fat fest that the rest of us are bringing to the party.
Know what I say?
Belly up to the table people! Bring it on!

However, I do think for sake of the email and party planning sanity I think that we ought to transition to a Google Document for next year. Just my nerdy two cents :)

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