Sunday, December 26, 2010

Snowed In and Loving It

Since yesterday morning at 7am, we have now received over 9" of snow at the Sloan Homestead.
Merry Christmas to us!
We were up and at 'em this morning sledding with neighbors down a "luge run" that ended with a pretty solid jump at the end. The kids had a blast all morning and were sad when their fingers and faces were freezing off.

The only person not uncomfortable was the abominable camo man that was their dad.
About a year ago we discovered that Matt's snowbibs had disappeared and have not replaced them. So he now uses his waders. No one thinks we're rednecks AT ALL.

Lucy decided that she wanted a photoshoot all of her own on the walk back home today. I happily obliged.

We spent the rest of the day making forts, drinking hot chocolate, watching football and other boxing day tasks. It was fantastic.

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