Monday, February 21, 2011

Introducing: Ranger Sloan

There is nothing like a puppy to bring a family together. 


  1. I have been thinking about y'all! He is so cute! I can't wait to meet him!

  2. Make sure Matt sleeps on any dog bed that y'all might give Ranger. Helps to establish the Alpha scent.

    At least that's the explanation Jason gave me the night before we got Knox and I walked into the bedroom to find the 4 foot round dog bed underneath our duvet.

    Yes ma'am, you heard me right.

  3. Great googly moogly at the cuteness. Is Ranger available for nuzzles?

  4. I want a puppy!!! Although I should probably get this whole baby thing figured out first. Ranger is the cutest. How is Slappy adjusting?
