Monday, February 7, 2011

Work Crew

I've been leading Work Crew training in our area for the last two weeks and it has been like a breath of fresh air for my soul.
I get to be around high school students and leaders.
I get to teach them about Jesus.
The Lord speaks to me loudly about me and then about them and how loved we are.
And how much he wants to use us in his service if we are willing.
And I get to tell them that.
It is so much fun.

And then this weekend, I was searching for videos on YouTube that could show these high school kids how Young Life camp is one of the many ways that God chooses to use people. And I found these videos.
This is a video from Saranac Village from this past summer where the work crew and summer staff created a group dance and would "perform" the dance every meal. Just for fun. 
One night, the president of Young Life happened to be there. 
In the kitchen. This is the night: 

This video is a time-lapse capture of "Western Night" at Frontier Ranch. In the same 300 square foot area; a Western Tableau, a carnival and a square dance take place in just three hours. There are other events that happen that night, but this video captures how much work is performed by volunteers and staff for this one night. I love this video so much because it captures this night in about 30 seconds.
I can't believe that we aren't going to be on an assignment this summer.
But getting to be a part of high school students going to serve is about the greatest.

I am super passionate about Work Crew and how high school students will never be the same after one month away from home and being used by God for his glory.
It could be for Young Life or in a mission organization. Any time you say "no" to your life and "yes" to what God would have for you, there is going to be greatness at hand. It so happens that I have seen firsthand for 14 years what Young Life has done in the lives of high school students.
And I love it still.
How amazing is that?


  1. Best month of my life on Work Crew. And that was sixteen years ago. YIKES. Love Love Love that you're doing WC training, Leslie.

  2. these made me want to not only be on assignment but on work crew and summer staff. i love it. i'm sure you are the best and funnest WC trainer
