Saturday, April 9, 2011

Bulldoze My Yard

My yard has been a disaster for years. We all know that. To borrow a quote from Bill Goans, "we are raising kids, not plants."

But, in part of the Sabbatical plans we would like to do something about the yard. However, that usually involves a lot of what we don't typically have.


This summer we have the time. Just not the money.
So I entered us to win the DIY Networks $20,000 Landscape Makeover.

This is not really a social networking contest where you see how many views or votes you can get on your video or pictures. But I am sure that it doesn't hurt.

So, do you mind clicking on this here link and clicking that my video gets 5 stars? (cause you know that it does) and do that a few times between now and May 2?

It would be super fun to win.
Super fun. And if we WON, then we wouldn't be spending the whole summer working on our yard (see previous post) we would be able to enjoy our yard. See how this thing works together? Hmmm. I think it is meant to be...

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