Sunday, May 1, 2011

May Masthead

If you actually visit this blog and don't just use a reader service, you may be asking what in the world is the deal with my masthead? That's the thing with all of the pictures at the top of this blog. FYI.

We had the class pet, Marlow visit our home this weekend and we had to take the stuffed animal everywhere that we went. The last time we did this, Asher got seriously ill and missed school for half-a-week. So you can imagine the excitement when he was presented back in the backpack for this past weekend.

But took Marlow around and he had quite an adventure to tell. Thankfully, I used the collage making pages at to help me actually complete the project because you don't think that a kindergartner knows how to upload pictures, write paragraphs and layout scrapbook pages do you? Nope. This is my project.
So, I am taking you all along for our little journey.
Here are the pictures from the weekend that I had to capture. Enjoy.

 Asher is thrilled to have Marlow come home again. 
 Marlow in the hammock.
 Marlow playing soccer.
 Marlow helping me coach soccer.
 Marlow on the monkey bars.
 Marlow got beasted on the slide.
 Can you feel the love?
 Asher serenading the neigh-borhood. Get it? "Neigh"
 Marlow at church. Yes, I took this picture. Yes, the people next to me moved a little further away from me when I did. Like I might think this horse is real. 
 The pigs in downtown Asheville at the Big Love Fest. 
We had Big Love for Marlow. Why not?
 Marlow at a Pig Pickin' for YL. The irony was not lost on him. 
Wide Open Spaces with Marlow.

Now Marlow is sitting on my kitchen table waiting to get packed up to go back to elementary school tomorrow. 
Tell me I don't have to do 700 more school projects like this. 
Tell me that this is not setting me up to do 700 more projects like this. 

1 comment:

  1. Careful how awesome you do at the Kindergarten projects... sets you up for some late science fair nights further down the road!
