Monday, August 1, 2011


I know it has been a few weeks since I have updated.
We've been a little busy, what with being international travelers and all.

Before we left, we spent the weekend with our extended family at Matt's parent's lake house and had a fabulous time. I was frantically trying to edit the pictures before we left for France but was unable to make it happen.

I managed to get them ALL done today and pull together a little slide show to hold you over until I got to my France pictures.
Hold onto your hat for those things.

I will tell you this about France, everyone should just stay home.
Don't go.
It will ruin it for the rest of us.
It was perfectly lovely and we will be moving there one day.

So here you go, video times:

1 comment:

  1. aDorAble. i am going to have a talk with jeannie. we were there yesterday and she did NOT tell us about putting the trampoline on the dock. seriously. upset. :)
