Tuesday, August 2, 2011


The town of Apt. We loved it. Romanesque architecture. Deserted streets. Super quiet and lovely. I couldn't photograph it enough. 

The sea town of Cassis. It is to the west of Marseille by about 40 minutes. It is known as a "poor man's Nice." That sounds about right to us. 
We loved this town. It was beautiful, lots of people-but we had the Rick Steve's Provence guide book to help us find great restaurants and sites. We did them all! 
I highly suggest picking up one of his books next time you travel ANYWHERE. We used it like a Bible. 

The water was the most amazing blue color. 
These white rocks are called Calanques. And the rock here was used for the base of the Statue of Liberty. Fancy that! 

Super pebbly beach with the usual topless Europeans and men in small trunks. 

Market Day in Apt
Saturday morning is the weekly market in Apt, one of the largest in the region. 
We were so excited for it and planned to spend the whole morning here. 
It was well worth it. The food stalls, clothing and sights were tremendous. 

1 comment:

  1. ok. so i am friends with jeannie and buffy. i came to check your blog cause i haven't visited in a looooong time. i came to this entry and just about died. i have been to Cassis. i was just telling my friend mb it is in the top 2 of my fav places ever.

    looks like y'all had an amazing trip:) so fun! coveting.big.time;)
