Saturday, September 10, 2011

First Day of School

We made it. Through the summer. Sabbatical is over. The kids are back at school. Matt is off and running and now I'm lonely.
Not a real surprise but somehow it has caught me by total surprise nonetheless.
I was totally unprepared to feel at such a loss for purpose when those around me regained theirs.
I am sure this is typical of mothers everywhere but this was a first for me because I am used to being on the go and with an extended fullness to my plate-but not this year.
The Lord has crafted a bit of a "sabbatical" season for me. It's bittersweet right now. I'm trying to taste the sweet but the loneliness makes it fairly bitter.
Even with these adorable ones to love on, I am just finding it hard to grip the ground beneath me in this season. Thankfully the Lord is patient and kind and helping me to find joy in the quiet but it is hard fought.

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