Saturday, September 10, 2011

Winter/Fall Shoes

I struggle with shoes in the Fall.

1. I like to wear flip flops. A lot.
2. I think of my Toms as dress shoes.
3. I feel like a goof-ball in warmish weather in boots.

Also, I live in a town with a lot of women who generally:
1. like other women
2. like to wear flats
3. like wearing shoes that proclaim #1 or have the name Thom McAn inside it.

What is a girl (who likes cute shoes) to do who has to work and go to meetings? Just meetings?

Shop for shoes. Constantly.

This is what I scrounged up this week.
I liked these. They had a cute little heel, came in different colors. Had a cute little bow on them. But, they still seemed in the manish category. 

I know I said, "no boots" but these were the softest most amazing boots. They looked like they would just hug your foot. 
I wanted to snuggle with them.
This gold color is way popular right now. 
I am pretty sure that I will be heading back to pick up these babies at some point. 
As soon as I find the "elusive" golden cardigan that matches. 

I loved these shoes. All of them. 
Color is tricky though. 

And then I took the plunge!
Orange with brown and hints of white. 
I have loads of this in my wardrobe AND it is very seasonal. 
They look super cute on and have a little heel on them for my longer jeans. 


They are $89 on Zappos, but not even close to that expensive at our local Tops for Shoes. 
Come to Asheville! I'll shoe shop with you! 

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