Sunday, October 9, 2011

A Months Worth of Pictures

With my camera lens having broken while we were in France, I haven't been very motivated to take any pictures. But that changed when I replaced it with an upgraded 50mm lens. 
This glass is SOOO much better its unreal. 

Example 1.
This is inside with no flash.
 Example 2.
I have not been able to get pictures of Ranger because his coat is such a weird color it doesn't show up well in pictures. NOT ANY MORE!
Look at my beautiful dog. 
 This is a ridiculous picture of Lucy just to show you how much she's grown this summer. 
This was a suit that fit her in June. 
She insisted on wearing it. 
I laughed the entire day. 
 Our prizes at the state fair. 
 Asher is now playing flag football. 
I have always used the line "don't smile" to get him to smile. 
So now that I am trying to get a picture of him being "tough" he can't help it, he has to produce the biggest grin you've ever seen.

 Gah, I love this handsome boy. 
 Lucy is as silly as ever. 
We were hiking and she got herself next to a rock and said "Mommy, this will be a good one."
 Then struck this pose. No lie. 

 A boy and his dog. 
I am so glad I captured Asher's expression here. 


  1. There is nothing better than a 50mm. Truly. Your shots are lovely, Leslie!

  2. Thanks Beth! I was so sad when my other 50 broke. But grateful for the opportunity to actually buy better glass. I'm loving the results!

  3. Love these! makes the the Sloan children shaped hole in my heart ache something fierce.. Miss every single one of you. Even slappy.

  4. These pictures are stunning! Your sense of composition is pretty incredible. I need more pictures of that adorable pup!
