Wednesday, October 12, 2011

This Happened

This morning, Lucy got upset over what I had picked out for her to wear to school. No big deal. Pick out another cute outfit.
She wasn't happy about it but agreed after some convincing and I assure you she looked cute in her plaid dress, jeggings and cowboy boots. As cute as a college student.

So we get to her preschool, walk into the class and a table of four-year old girls sees her and one pipes up and says "eww. Lucy is wearing that dress again." And she said it in that voice that you've heard since you were in middle school.

Except this isn't middle school.
This is preschool.
4-year old preschool.

How is one supposed to battle this the rest of our days?

My job is to keep filling Lucy with he truth that our value does not rest in what other people think of us. But wow. This is a tough one for me to fight, I can't imagine the nature that will need to be within my daughter to grow up with these women and battle this on a daily basis.

The same voice that rang out at Lucy is the same dark voice that tells me that I'm not good enough, or smart enough, fun enough etc to belong to whatever clique or group I am longing to be a part of. Popularity is such a powerful tool and it is one that takes me down. I think that is why it hurt me so to hear it.

The truth?
I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
So is Lucy.
So are you.
No one can say anything different about that.
Your value is not measured in what others think about you.
It was measured on Calvary.

I have to remain there. And remind myself that daily. Now I have to add Lucy to the list of people to tell.


  1. that other little girl better watch her to MY LuLu like that? oooohhhhh nooooOOOOOOO

  2. lucy...sending you an awesome dvd from american girl, "chrissa", that i think you will should preview first, but i think she will like it and grace sandy/maggiezoetori's nonnie

    les...i think this dvd speaks to your post! em
