Friday, November 18, 2011

5 Years TODAY

We've been blessed to have Lucy in our lives for five years and I can't believe how the time has gone. She is so much fun and is so beautiful. It is tremendous to be her mother. She challenges me daily in so many ways but lately in ways that she doesn't intend. She is curious so she has asked me to define words for her and they have given me much food for thought. Words like; yield, compensate, panic, healthy, ecstatic. Try for a minute to boil down the essence of these words and you will see what I mean. She is challenging and lovely. A personality treat in a small body. This transition from the fourth to the fifth year has been a blessing to me and I can't wait to see all the ways that she changes as she leaves preschool and goes to kindergarten (EEK!) this next year.
If you get a chance, you should spend some time around my daughter. She is the cherry on top of life.


  1. Happy Birthday, Lucy! What a beautiful girl, and you are right oh so fun!!

  2. Be still my heart. That sweet kid is the perfect mix of the 2 of you. What a precious little tribute for her. You're a good mama. Happy Birthday Lucy!!!

  3. nope, you don't know me personally, but I enjoy reading your blog and just wanted to say that those pictures of Lucy are awesome! hope she has a great birthday!

  4. 3rd pic is for sure my favorite! so much perfect sass. Happy Birthday LUCY!!! well done you two...

  5. Being able to spend time with her these past few days, I can totally agree...she is the cherry on the top of life. The way she gets excited about little joys, her sweet expressions and yes, clumsiness, make my heart swell. Love her!
