Tuesday, April 24, 2012

One Month

Welcome back! I don't know if you ever left or even check this anymore...

But we are one month away from an amazing month in the Colorado Rocky Mountains and I know if I expect anyone to give a whit about what we are doing out there, I ought to catch them up on the last 5 months or so.

Here we go.
This is the truth.

Matt was in a weight loss contest. He lost nearly 50 pounds (47 to be exact). I lost 12. It took a toll on the old "blog energy". In addition, my sweet grandmother died. My work load increased. I decided to become a Young Life leader again and was in charge of Work Crew training in our area. And we have two children. One who is about to go to kindergarten.

It hasn't been a slow Spring.

So, I will catch you up in the best way I know how.

One of my last letters from my Grandmother.

The landscape plan for the property she and my grandfather lived on. 
My whole family wears a "Buckle Ring" that my grandmother wore my entire life. We had copies made when she fell ill. We all wore them at her funeral. I miss her dearly. 

We took the kids to Disney World in January following the All Staff Conference with Matt's sister Buffy and her family. It was a most fantastic trip.

Matt and I got away to Universal Studios.

Our team won the chili cookoff. Again. 

The key to the diet. Breakfast smoothies. 

The other key to the diet.

My sweet wiener dog Slappy had to be put to sleep in late February. 

My last picture with her. 

My kids were Cat in the Hat on my birthday. All Dr. Seuss' birthday. Just a little cute. 

My big gift for my birthday. A Juicer.
I'm one of "those" people now. 

It's true. Lucy is ready for kindergarten. 4 short months away. 

I ran the Cooper River Bridge Run! Super fast I might add. 47 minutes for 6.2 miles.
I was shooting for 45 minutes. But I'll take it.  :)

My sweet girl friends ran it with me.
I love having friends that love being active. It totally keeps you motivated.
Look at these beautiful girls! I love being around high school kids again.

Consider yourself caught up? 
Let's get this thing started again!

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