Tuesday, June 18, 2013


I'm on Day 23 of my running streak. My "training" for the NYC marathon doesn't formerly start until July 15 and I'll be honest...I won't be sad when this little streak is over on July 4th.

It has been SOOOO good for me for the last 23 days but today was really hard to get up, head out the door and attack the mountain. And I know that not one day in the next 10 is going to be any easier. I am pretty sure that is the point. The closer you get to a goal, it is harder to achieve.

During one of our devotions the other day, our camp director shared the story of Team Hoyt; a father and son running duo that has raced across the globe in triathlons, marathons, and a multitude of other races. The catch? Dick Hoyt, the son has severe cerebral palsy leaving him without the ability to use his limbs, voice or assist in any way. He wanted to compete in these races to show how you can still have hope in life when you have lost everything you have put stock in.

It has been a great encouragement to me as I try to complete me running streak. Dick Hoyt's father has made it possible for him to run these races. Just as my Father in Heaven will make it possible for me to run the race He has marked out for me. Whether that is physically running, spiritually running or simply living the life that He made me for.

I am grateful for these earthly examples of great fatherly love that point me to the hope we have. An Inheritance of Hope not of FEAR!

Check out the story of the Hoyt's here. 

Remember, you can donate to my Inheritance of Hope fund here. 

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