Wednesday, July 31, 2013

A View Inside

My friends Molly and Shawn Matthews have had their worlds turned upside down this year.
I certainly don't mean to make their story my story.  But my heart is aching for them and it is why I am running for an organization like Inheritance of Hope.

Shawn was our Area Director for Young Life when I was in college. He was on the camp trip at Saranac when I met Jesus!

He actually had the most impact out of anyone in Matt's life when Matt talks about his "faith journey". Shawn just kept showing up in Matt's life. Matt was in Molly and Shawn's wedding.

This February, Molly had some scans due to some severe stomach issues and it was found that she had colon cancer with potential that there were further issues upon her liver.

Here is their Caring Bridge site if you want to catch up on them.

Now Molly has endured colon resection and chemotherapy. About 8 days ago, she had surgery to further biopsy the liver and get it sorted out. They assumed the recovery would be difficult. But she has had complications and the physicians can not figure out why she is not getting better right now. It could be an infection, a clot or "something else". She has been in the ICU for 8 days.

All through this Shawn has been by her side.
They have a strong community of faith to surround them and pray for them.
Take them meals. Do anything they need.

And see their kids? They have been at friends, grandparents, aunts and uncles. It is incredible to see the outpouring of love and support.

I can't imagine how worried I would be about my kids if I were going through something like this.
And how they were processing this. And how much they worry, how scared they are and hurt. Even in the best of circumstances, kids work through their fears and anxieties in such a unique way.

And Shawn is holding it together the best he can.

This is a good scenario! She has a good prognosis and doctors are very hopeful. But complications arise even in good circumstances and recovery can change in an instant.

It has clarified for me just how hard illness is on families of all kinds. And they need hope. They need space to process and cry together. To pray together. To talk outloud with others who are going through this too. Not just with people who are sad for them. That just isn't the same.

This is why I am running for Inheritance of Hope.
Families need to get away from hospitals, doctors and bills.
They need to laugh and play.

Will you help provide this space for a family? The $5,000 I am raising sends a family of four on a week-long retreat with Inheritance of Hope.

Donate Here

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