Saturday, July 20, 2013

Week 1 Training Update

One week into training! I'm not technically done with the week yet as I am running my weeks Monday to Monday, but my tracking app on my phone runs Saturday to Saturday. So....this is the end of week 1. And my general feeling is "Wow, all that running didn't add up to a marathon. This is going to hurt."

And my playlist didn't really help me out much. Thanks Tiger Rag. 

Thankfully, as the week went on, so did fundraising and so the playlist improved too. I even got a request for Taylor Dane. So, that is going to be hilarious!

I ran two 4-milers, a hilly 6-miler and joined a group of women training for the Asheville 1/2 marathon (which I'm also doing--that's on Sept 27) for a 7-mile long slow distance run this morning. I have an easy 4-miler to round out the week tomorrow to finish up the week at 25 miles. 

I should finish the week with about 4 hours of running under my belt! Not too bad! I did have to buy some new running shorts this week and now I'm considering a GPS watch because Runkeeper uses my data and I could just sync them up when I get home. 

A solid week 1. Week 2 jumps up to a 28-mile week. Let's gooooo.

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