Wednesday, August 28, 2013

First Day!

 We made it. Through the summer that was absolutely incredible. We did a million-zillion things and now we are done. DONE-SKIS. We got to the first day of school and the kids are thrilled. Seriously. They love their teachers, their school, their friends. They have a zest for life that I really need to take ahold of. They love everything-except for maybe the things that I ask them to do. (story for another day) But here we are! School year 2013-14! 180 days until next summer. Let's do this!

Asher: 8 years old. 
Third Grade. 
Mrs. Gillespie and Mrs. Holly. 
He is in a new system of being team-taught. He is so excited about having two teachers this year and not just one. He has also applied to be a "library helper."  Fingers crossed! 

Lucy: 6 years old
1st Grade
Mrs. Barnwell.
Loves wearing earrings and bracelets. 
We had to get her a desk because she has so many on-going craft projects that they have been taking over our house. She also gets her own trash can for said craft projects. Sometimes called "crap projects" when they don't turn out so good. 

This was her heading into her classroom. One last look back at mom! Gah I love her. 

Asher right after he got off the bus. He had a great day. So did Mom. We all missed each other just the right amount!

The neighborhood clan that rides the bus! Love these kids! 

YAY for school! Love our teachers. Love our neighborhood. All is right in the world right now. :)

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